This is a TBI (Tramautic Brain Injury) wall hanging I made for myself. Please read the note below.
TODAY (greatly edited for spelling by Eric Kachur)
Today is a special day for me. It marks the 20th anniversary of American's with Disabilities Act. I think most of you now that I suffer from PTSD (post tramatic stress disorder)and a brain injury from a MVA over 3 yrs ago. My PTSD symptoms can sometimes be noticed, but go much deeper than people see or can possibly understand, my brain injury is a hole other ball park. This has actually led to many blessing in my life and I thank God I am here. It has allowed me share my creations with you for which I am very thankful for. Have you ever stopped to think how I can still create when I can't even name my colors? I have, and I can tell you that it is only by the grace of God. He knew I would go crazy if I was not allowed to create. I was a church pianist and accompanied the top choir at UNA which is something that not a whole lot of people can do. I may not be able to play the piano any more, or teach, or even name my colors, but I pray that I can inspire others going through difficult times. Yes it was very difficult at first and may not necessarily be a walk in the park right now. But, I had a 10% chance of living and God left me her for a reason. I pray that if you have not accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior that you would do so. You never know when you might be in that car. The farthest thing from my mind that day was being in a car accident. I am blessed where I am because I get to encourage other TBI survivors and I have more time to share the news of my Lord with others. If you would like to talk to me about accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Savior please contact me. Thank you for all of the encouragement you have given me!!